Always quirky, sometimes sweet speculative fiction

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Please Support Kaleidoscope

A few months back I wrote a story I intended to put in my critique group’s anthology, Glass Bones. Unfortunately, I busted out the word limit and shelved it while working on a different story for the collection. However I love Glass Bones and a lot of what I’m trying to say with it (some subtly, some not so much). A couple of months ago I heard about an upcoming anthology from Twelfth Planet Press which sounded really cool and when I read more sounded like a great fit for Glass Bones.

The anthology, Kaleidoscope, is on Pozible trying to pull together enough money to go ahead at full steam. The anthology sounds like it will be an amazing read so far and I love the inclusion it intends to show.

When the funding reaches $7,000 the open submission period begins and I’m sure you can guess I really, really want to submit Glass Bones, but also I really want to read this anthology when it comes out so I’m asking everyone if they couldn’t pop by the Kaleidoscope Pozible page and donate whatever you can afford toward what I’m sure will be an awesome publication.

If you’re curious about Glass Bones you can read more about it on my ‘Current Projects‘ page.

First Blogiversary

Wow. So one year ago I posted my first post. My blog is now a year old and I’m somewhat bemused that I’ve managed to stick with it this long.

Happy birthday Storybook Perfect, here’s to many more years to come.

And The Winner Is…

Thanks to the power of a random number generator we have a winner for my first giveaway. Congratulations Angela, I’ve sent you an email asking for your postal address, so please send that through so I can post you your prize 😀

Sorry to everyone who didn’t win, I wish I had enough money to give books to everyone. I’m looking forward to doing another giveaway soon – though I don’t know when.

I Won Tea!

a big box of tea

I love tea. I’m not sure I would be capable of writing if there wasn’t a tea cup within arms reach. When one of my favourite blogs, Stuff With Thing, did a contest where all you had to do was comment on the blog about what you snack on while reading I had to confess there that I drink tea. To my surprise (even though I thought my entry might be a little dull for the judges (Marita’s lovely daughters Annie and Heidi)) I won the prize pack of Nature’s Cuppa organic tea.

When I came home from work today there was a package on my door. Since it was way too large for the business cards I ordered (yes, I have made myself some business cards, I promise to talk about them soon) I knew it had to be the prize pack. Since generally I don’t win things (I have good luck, it just tends to manifest in different ways) I was very excited. I proceeded to take a photo of the box before opening, then of the contents, then of the contents of the box within the box! (A bit like pass the parcel, and just as fun.)

All the different flavours of organic tea – even some organic coffee

I haven’t had the time to try all the flavours, but I have enjoyed a cup of the chai (I am a chai addict at the moment, a passion I share with one of my sisters in law). It was rich and peppery and delicious. Quite strong too since I let it brew for the 4 minutes the box recommended. If you like a gentler flavour perhaps don’t allow the tea to steep quite so long, but it was still wonderful.

There is a lot of tea in here. I won’t have to go buy tea for a long time. Thanks Marita and Nature’s Cuppa for your generosity!

I won the prize pack (as I mentioned above) but am under no obligation to comment/blog about the tea. However I am very excited and have loved my first cup, so wanted to anyway. All opinions are my own and not paid for.


A chai tea and some novel revision? Sounds like a good day at work to me.

Jumping On The Social Media Band Wagon

Some of you may have noticed that little blue ‘F’ up near my red ‘P’(that doesn’t sound healthy…) and my paper white ‘G’. Yes, I have finally created a Facebook author page. The reason it took me so long was because I honestly saw no point if I had nothing to say on it. With my recent joining of NaNoWriMo I will be able to post word count updates and things related to the story so I feel like I finally have something to say. Hopefully one day soon I will get to thrill you all with news about agents and publishing contracts.

I also felt like I needed something else on my business card template, it was looking a little bare ;p but more on my business card later.

Anyway, head on over and have a peek. I’m still wondering what to do as my cover. I’m thinking of making an original header for this site and using it there as well. Aaaah symmetry.

Internet Hiatus

Spring has sprung and I’m finally starting to feel healthy and energetic again. For the last 18 weeks I’ve been suffering from the cold/flu that would not die. It was an endless cycle of symptoms of varying intensity. As soon as the runny nose left the cough would show up, when the cough subsided the fever would hit. I lost my voice four times and at one point my back was so sore I spent two whole days with a heatie wheatie bag firmly attached and received a mild burn as a result(it looks like a large spider web-esque bruise along my spine). Achey and exhausted for months on end I had to cut something to ease the pressure on my daily schedule and allow me the rest I needed to recover. I wasn’t giving up writing or caring for my son so I decided to take a temporary hiatus from blogging.

Actually it was more than a blogging hiatus, it was an internet hiatus. I stopped reading blogs, only checked my emails every 3-4 days, even Facebook was ignored for a 12 day stretch. Pinterest didn’t even get a look in for two months.

The last few days I’ve been getting better (after FINALLY seeing a doctor who was smart enough to tell me there is an antibiotic you CAN take while breastfeeding) so I’ve been hitting the internet running.

Pinterest: check

Facebook – now smothered in several months-worth of photos of Xander: check

Goodreads reviews updated: check

Returning to the blog: check

Looking forward to seeing you all regularly again 😀

Working Hard and Watching TV

Well the three weeks of working 5-6 days a week at the day job are finally over – huzzah! Of course I’ve been battling through it with a cold which – now the work has paced back – has become even worse. At least now I have a chance to catch up and start blogging at my more usual pace of every 2-3 days rather than the meagre once every 5-6.

During what little downtime I had our family was playing catch-up with TV. We’d watched halfway thru the first season of Lost at the time it was originally airing, but then became distracted by some other show and never caught back up. So we just watched the whole she-bang in marathon style each night. For all the complaining you hear people make about it I expected it to be much worse. Also thanks to the radio station who on a drive home from work while they talked about spoilers gave the spoiler for the ending. Luckily the guy who gave the spoiler clearly didn’t understand the ending so over simplified it thus making it not that much of a spoiler. I also think some of the irritation others felt sprang from EVERY episode ending in a cliff-hanger. When watching weekly that would have me chomping at the bit as well. It was a lot easier when the longest distance between episodes was 24 hours.

We also watched the last episode of House last night. Don’t worry, no plot spoilers here, but the ending definitely satisfied me. The episode itself was a little odd, but it was a good way to wrap things up. Does anyone know if the song that ran at the end is sung/written by the band that wrote/performed ‘Hell’ (you’ll probably recognise the lyrics better: in the afterlife, you will be headed for some serious strife, now you make the scene all day, but tomorrow there’ll be hell to pay), I’m too lazy to look it up right now. If no one answers I might get up off my metaphorical ass and look around the interwebs for the answer, but I have to get ready for my next day-job shift soon.

I’ll talk more about re-writing my opening chapters based on critique and a review of Jane and the Dragon soon.

Miette’s Moment

Have you heard of DIPG?

Neither had I until Xander’s swimming instructor – Mikayla – introduced it to us. DIPG is an inoperable tumour on the brain stem. With so little awareness about it there isn’t much research or funding.

Mikayla is organising a fundraiser which will be super fun for children at the Chipmunks at Lawnton on the 19th of May, so if you’re a Brisbanite (or whatever you call yourself if you live here in Brisbane) please come along. If you can’t make it because of distance or otherwise, head over to the Facebook page, Miette’s Journey and like and share it with your friends. Let’s help spread awareness. (To learn more, click here for details)

Also for Brisbanites, if you listen to 96.5FM tomorrow (Wednesday) at around 9:15am you’ll hear Mikayla promoting the event. If any of my tech savvy friends out there know how to record that snippet it would be fantastic if you could and send me or the page a link to it.

Thanks everyone.

Flyer For Miette's Moment

Flyer For Miette's Moment - click for details


Imagination – Friend or Foe?

Imagination is the well spring of the story. Without our imaginations the story would not have been written nor could our readers become so swept up within them. Unfortunately for creative types our imaginations are prone to running away with us.

Why this pontification? Because my imagination is driving me crazy. On the weekend our little family went to Supanova. I was particularly excited because a fantastic author was going to be there and I wanted to listen to his seminar. While I took Xander with me to the seminar, my husband waited in line to meet Wil Wheaton – we decided Xander would surely prefer movement and mummy to standing in line and had agreed when TJ was done he would drop by the seminar and grab Xander, hopefully before Xander became sick of the seminar. Upon navigating the crowded halls I arrived at the seminar room only to be told no prams were allowed in the seminar room so I had to leave it unattended outside or miss the seminar. My heart broke. While dodging cosplayers on my return to my husband and the line he was in I wondered why on earth that was a rule, so dropped by the reception of the exhibition centre to ask them. They told me the rule wasn’t theirs, but the attendant at the door had told me it was.

Disappointed I went online the next morning to the convention’s forums and asked ‘why?’. I wasn’t asking for recompensation, I just wanted to know why and whose rule it really was (I find calming down and moving on a lot easier when I understand the why of things). Then on Tuesday I had several emails begging for attention and was shocked to learn the author I had missed the seminar of was looking for me. Me? My head promptly exploded. I was a mix of embarrassment and excitement and my husband couldn’t stop laughing at my red face. The author wants to give me something as an apology, even though he is certainly not the one at fault.

So I contacted him back and now am waiting. It’s nerve wracking. Really it is. This is where my over-active imagination becomes an enemy, not a friend. My mind can’t help but entertain all possible scenarios. My imagination goes to both extremes. Maybe in the heat of the moment I said something that hurt the volunteer who was guarding the doors feelings (I wasn’t a monster, but I wasn’t precisely happy either) and he’ll shake his head at me with pushed together brows, clucking his tongue in disdain. Or on the other hand the positive fantasies are pure self-serving drivel which I’m not writing here because its too embarassing to even admit them aloud (let me confirm though – not sexual!). When you have a writer’s imagination you can’t stop your brain from thinking these things. Even though my mind is well aware that all that will happen is we’ll have a cordial conversation, he’ll give me whatever it is he plans to give me and then we’ll just go back to me reading his books and him writing them my imagination won’t stop sending out all manner of scenarios.

So I’m sitting here at my computer waiting for the reply that will finally let my imagination calm down.

So, am I the only one whose head comes up with dream after dream (or nightmare) while waiting for something? I know I’m not, but I want stories, so please share and give me something to do other than hit the refresh button a hojillion times.


*You may notice I never mentioned the author’s name. That is intentional. I didn’t write this post to be a name dropper. I just had to write down all the tight chested, close-throated, hot faced feelings to try and calm myself and temporarily shut up that aforementioned imagination that really is relentlessly making up scenario after scenario. Also, if you know who it is, refrain from commenting it, I do not want to be a name dropper even inadvertantly.

Image Upheaval: The Finale

So after that last post I quickly learned that what was a lovely, pale blue background for my floating content pane on my netbook PC was lavender (whaaaaaat?) on my husband’s iPad, his desktop PC and both of our android phones. Aaaargh! It’s a hexadecimal colour system, why would it make different colours on different machines? *Insert rage here which left me dizzy for hours*

I had to assume that since most devices in our house read that colour as lavender so too would most devices around the world, so I needed to hunt down a colour that would look good on every device in my house even if it wasn’t the same (because that clearly wasn’t going to happen).I have ended up with what looks like a nice pale blue on the other devices, but looks more like turquiose on my netbook. Both blend in a satisfactory fashion with my beloved chiyogami goldfish background which i love too passionately to part with anytime soon. I swear, if I ever have money, I’m going to hire a web design monkey to do this for me. I probably should because the layout is clearly done by an amateur, but I don’t really mind, since it doesn’t look horrendous (or at least no one has sent me an email/comment/message saying so).

I also added some social media icons, yay! People are probably going to ask about the absence of some very popular buttons. I only have a Goodreads and a Pinterest account. I don’t have a Facebook author page yet, primarily because I lack the time to maintain an interesting one. I see no point in creating a page and not making it interesting. Also I feel a little weird making a page for myself when I have no product currently out. Maybe when I have something almost out I will set it up. Also I have no Twitter account. Yep, no Twitter account. Not personal, not professional, none. Why? For the same reason I don’t play World of Warcraft (and other MMORPGs): because I would never again afterward have an offline life.

I know my weaknesses. I have an addictive personality. You only need to peek into the guest bedroom/library in our house and behold the six floor-to-roof bookcases packed with manga, books and graphic novels (and add another bookcase for my figurines) to see that in action. Or look at our living room where our DVD/blu-ray collection spans five more bookcases. Ikea got rich off our family’s collection of bookcases (not that they weren’t already rich). I make careful efforts to avoid getting into things which will likewise eat my soul/wallet (please note, I mean both of these things, not my wallet is my soul).

To wrap up: still sick, have finally finished tinkering with my site’s appearance, am a terrifying obsessive compulsive collector and will not bore you all with talk about web design/code ect. for a long time (hopefully not ever).

Promise to post something interesting and cool about my writing or writing in general tomorrow. Hope you all have a happy chocolate bunny day!

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