Have you heard of DIPG?
Neither had I until Xander’s swimming instructor – Mikayla – introduced it to us. DIPG is an inoperable tumour on the brain stem. With so little awareness about it there isn’t much research or funding.
Mikayla is organising a fundraiser which will be super fun for children at the Chipmunks at Lawnton on the 19th of May, so if you’re a Brisbanite (or whatever you call yourself if you live here in Brisbane) please come along. If you can’t make it because of distance or otherwise, head over to the Facebook page, Miette’s Journey and like and share it with your friends. Let’s help spread awareness. (To learn more, click here for details)
Also for Brisbanites, if you listen to 96.5FM tomorrow (Wednesday) at around 9:15am you’ll hear Mikayla promoting the event. If any of my tech savvy friends out there know how to record that snippet it would be fantastic if you could and send me or the page a link to it.
Thanks everyone.
I think you can download audacity for free and then you search the radio station and click on online streaming and record. But don’t ask me anything in between if it doesn’t work! I haven’t actually tried it!