So. After such a killer start my NaNo unraveled pretty severely. Cars broke down, children got sick, more days at work and much longer shifts (which were added to even more by having to bus it to work instead of just taking the car), and an epic amount of effort was put into finding a daycare for Xander to attend for two days because no one else could work those shifts at work (oh the joys of console launches) but our current daycare didn’t have those days available.
I barely touched my computer for two weeks. You don’t even want to imagine what my two email accounts look like. No really. You’d think I’d been spam bombed, but that’s just what an inbox looks like when you haven’t opened it for twelve days.
So after a killer start to NaNo, I’m now 20,000 words behind. And yet, still not gonna give up.

I’ll be channeling this guy (and yes I know I’ve used this image five time before, that’s just how awesome it is)
I have five days. Sure I’m working three of them, but to hell with that. 4,000 words a day will see me win. I’ve already done 2,000 of today’s quota this morning so lets see if I can win this thing.
Cheerleaders totally wanted (ie/ fluff my ego, tell me I can totally do this)
Sorry not to read this in time to cheer you on, Kirstie. I hope (fingers crossed) that you reached the NaNo quotient. Me … I’m too scared to try!
Mary Tod recently posted..Pictures Fuel the Imagination – Part 2
In good news Mary, I did it. I felt totally burned out afterward, but I scraped home just in time.
I don’t think writers have to do NaNo, it’s not the only way to write. In fact I find what I write in NaNo tends to need heavier editing that what I write the rest of the year because for the sake of words I let naughty little adverbs attach themselves to speech tags and I’ll over explain things because heck, you need to reach 50,000 words. But NaNo is fun in a social light and a competitive light. Socially you meet other writers at NaNo events and competitively you get to see if you really can pull it off, if you can slam things to the end. I now know if I ever have a crazy 20,000 word dead line five days away and I’m working my day job for most of those days that I can do it, so I know myself a little better now.