Have you ever been so busy that you missed something awesome happening?
As most of you know in my offline life I’m juggling a lot of balls, and the last few months some jerk of an interventionist deity(I assume, I have no solid evidence, but I like the thought of being able to lay blame) has thrown a few extra into the mix.
Then the ever-hungry mailer daemons gobbled up an acceptance letter and I missed the fact I was being published again!
You can read the story on the very awesome 365 Tomorrows website (a great place for flash fiction). Since it was published back in May (yeah I know, shame on me for not noticing, but I’ve fallen vastly behind on reading blogs and websites) I’ll give you the direct link as well.
So please enjoy ‘Anything To Fit In’ free on 365 Tomorrows.
Have you ever been so busy that you missed something awesome too? (I hope I’m not the only sad case ;p )
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