Always quirky, sometimes sweet speculative fiction

Time Sensitive

Why is it that everything happens all at once? That all deadlines seem to fall in line with one another?

If you look closely enough you can see the duct tape holding my laptop together ;p

If you look closely enough you can see the duct tape holding my laptop together ;p

Over the next 2-3 weeks I need to finish my final once over of a manuscript I submitted to a development program, I need to get two different lots of first pages prepped and sent off for the two workshops I will be taking part in at the Byron Bay Writers’ Festival as well as some extensive edits on The Troll’s Toll so I can submit the next part to my writer’s group and this time hopefully no one will want my protagonist to die.

I’ve been editing for too long, and while there is a lot more writing involved in editing than one might at first think, I yearn to create something new.

But deadlines! If my manuscript is not ready, I will forfeit my place if chosen. If my first pages for the workshops are not sent on time I’ve wasted the money spent on them, and while the writers’ group is not a stone dead line, I have goals to learn as much as possible and that is best achieved by submitting. Also I take the dislike of my protagonist as a challenge – can I still make her the person the story needs her to be, but get my group to like her?

So I have to wring every second I can from my days these next few weeks.

Hmmm, then why am I wasting time with a blog post?


  1. Sammie

    I know exactly how you feel… The 2 weeks when every assignment is due are the worst. Good luck and work hard <3

    • Kirstie Olley

      yes, the multiple well-timed deadlines see no distinction between profession, study, whatever, they slap us all down!

  2. Mary Tod

    Well said, Kirstie. Your post reminds me that I need to create a blog post (gotta feed the beast) and yet so many other writing tasks beckon, scream, demand my attention. I suppose it is WORK, isn’t it. Not merely a labour of love. Good luck with your deadlines.
    Mary Tod recently posted..Winter of the World – a challenge to historical accuracyMy Profile

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