Inspired by the Australian Women Writer’s website and their Australian Women Writer’s challenge I present the Australian Speculative Fiction Author Challenge.
I challenge you to join me in reading at least one Australian speculative fiction author each month next year(2013). The Champion Challenge for exceptionally voracious readers is to read whole series by those authors. Ideally you will read a different Aussie author each month, so you can get a good taste of what we have to offer here ‘down under’.
Here is a starter list of Australian spec-fic authors to give you some ideas as to what you might want to read.
- Alison Goodman
- Alison Croggan
- Lian Hearn
- Kim Wilkins
- Pamela Freeman
- Garth Nix
- Fiona McIntosh
- Traci Harding
- Kate Forsyth
- Isobelle Carmody
- Tansy Rayner Roberts
- Rowena Cory Daniells
- Marianne DePierres
- Paula Weston
- Trent Jamieson
- John Marsden
- John Birmingham
- Valerie Parv
- Kylie Chan
- Trudi Canavan
- Keith McArdle
- Marianne Curley
- Lee Battersby
- Adrian Bedford
- Carol Ryles
- Juliet Marillier
- Martin Livings
- Stephen Dedman
- Lisa Hannett
- Alan Baxter
- Cat Sparks
- Simon Haynes
- Ben Peek
- Paul Haines
- Pete Kempshall
- Joanne Anderton
- Joanna Fay
- Angela Slatter
- Cameron Trost
- Brendan Duffy
This list is ever-growing, if you know any one missing let me know. If you are an author and want your name added tell me and I’ll include you. I will not hold being self-published against you either, so give me your name, I’d love to add it.
This challenge has a Goodreads group set up too,if you are a Goodreads member we’d love to chat with you there.

If you have a website or blog and want to promote the challenge here’s our button. You can right click to save and upload it to your site and link to this page, or you can use this patch of code:
<a href=””><img src=></a> which will put the image and link on your page.
Alternatively, if you’d rather link directly to the Goodreads group use this code
<a href=””><img src=></a>
Thank-you for helping to share the fun.
If you are curious as to how this idea was born, please check out the blog post here.
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