Obviously reading is important to me – not many writers aren’t passionate readers. I am trying my best to pass this passion on to my son as well. He has a large collection of books already at the tender age of 14 months. It’s a mix of all my old favourites (like Graeme Base and Rudyard Kipling) and some new finds from the local bookstore.
We usually read a book together when he first wakes up from a nap, while he’s still quiet so he won’t tear the paper pages in his enthusiasm.
This afternoon I was exhausted so we napped together and when I woke up I was alarmed to find him not lying on the bed next to me. Panicked I ran through the house looking for him and was grateful to see he was safe and sound in the nursery, seated on the floor pretending to read a book with a couple more on the floor. He flashed me a huge grin when I came to the door as if to say “Finally mummy, you’re up, now help me read this.”
He certainly knows his routine ;p
He is a smart cookie, and funny 🙂