As regular readers would know I pushed myself hard at the end of NaNo, slamming out 20,000 words in five days (most of which I was working my day job) so I could ‘win’ against the odds.
I won, but at what cost?
For the last few weeks I’ve been creatively burned out. I have been tired in general and lethargic in my writing. I have given feedback on several pieces for my critique group’s up-coming anthology, but I’ve done no work on my own stuff. Instead I’ve picked up my 3DS and been playing Animal Crossing, Pokemon Y and Bravely Default.
I usually give myself game time after writing, like a reward, but these last couple of weeks it’s almost all I’m doing with my free time. And once you start slacking off it’s even harder to get back in gear, particularly when the games are so much fun.
I’m hoping right now that getting a few blog posts up will start to fire up my creative juices and get me back in flow because I have two stories to edit and submit before years end and a deadline for my group’s anthology as well, so I really need to get back into it!
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