Always quirky, sometimes sweet speculative fiction

Aurealis Awards Ceremony

Obligitory pre-awards selfie

Obligatory pre-awards selfie

As some of you know, the 19th Aurealis Awards ceremony was held on Saturday night. Being a nominee I moved heaven and earth (and my family’s budget) to attend. It was a fun night, meeting other writers and judges and some of the fantastic team who pulled this whole event together.

Simon Brown and Sean Williams were the masters of ceremonies and didn’t fail to make me laugh even once. The Great Hall at University House in Canberra was a beautiful place for the ceremony to be held as well.

I was surprised to learn that the category Short Circuit was shortlisted in (Best Fantasy Short Story) received 194 nominations. Knowing my story was amongst the top 5 is such an honour, and to be in that category with writers who I own books of (like Kim Wilkins and Jay Kristoff) is genuinely thrilling.

I also added more than a few books to my ‘to read’ pile as each nominated piece was given a short synopsis before the winners were announced.

A very cool band played songs to open, close, and during the intermission. The Fildenstar suited a speculative fiction awards ceremony in both lyrics and sound and I’ll be keeping an eye out for their performances in future.

So, with new books to read and some new friends to catch up with I’ll have to leave you all with the advice that it is a fun night, well worth attending!

Also, if you want more pics and info, Sean the Blogonaut gathered a bunch of social media outbursts that puts the whole night in view for you. Here it is.


  1. Talitha

    Whooooooooo! So excited and proud for you!

    We missed you at vision, but were barracking for your win. Cute pic too. πŸ˜›

    • Kirstie Olley

      Thanks so much Talitha. In regards of the picture, I was so wrapped up in chatting and having fun I forgot to take any other pictures (though I did pose for a few so I’m going to surf the net when Xander has his nap looking for them).
      I missed going to Vision terribly, particularly since I was mostly just waiting for my plane while the meeting was happening. It feels so weird to miss one when I have been going religiously for so long!

  2. Mary Tod

    How wonderful to be nominated, Kirstie. Congratulations! Love the selfie, by the way πŸ™‚
    Mary Tod recently posted..And We Go On – a WWI MemoirMy Profile

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